Monday, October 1, 2007

Gotta Love Irony Yesterday we got the call saying that our new pup has been born!!! I am so stinkin' excited!! But, we have to get a male ~ we were 4th in line for a girl and there were only 3.

The really ironic part is that we would have a girl, but the momma had 3 stillbirths. 1 was our girl. Story of my life, right? The weird thing is that I was half joking with my hubby and saying watch us be 4th in line for a girl puppy but the 4th one be born stillborn.............WEIRD!

Anyways, so we get to go and meet our new little man after October 20th ~ I can't wait! It looks like we are going to call him Crosby; yes, after Sidney Crosby! LOL!

1 comment:

Brianne Hudgins Photography said...

Relish the fun of morbidity ... and the strange stares that it earns for you! The weird strange loveable quirky you is coming back to the surface - bit by bit. Even if you are a little more warped now. We love you anyway!!! :-*

A BOY!! May he be a manly man - who knows to pee outside & not near your bushes LOL