Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Is there an elephant in the room??!! Because I am definitely starting to feel that way lately. In no way shape or form has anyone directly in my life made me feel this way, but without naming names here, at a certain "event" this past weekend I literally felt like the elephant in the room.

And no, I am not referring to my weight. I am referring to the "let's pretend that Cass has never had any problems with any of her pregnancies while we pretend that every other pregnancy ends in a perfect fairy tale and while we are at it, let's shoot her pitiful looks and threatening looks if she thinks otherwise" kind of way. YUP, that's about it right there.

Come on people, I get that you worry about loved ones pregnancies, but I have never felt the way that I did that afternoon. Forgive me as I try to come up with the proper way to explain the way that I felt ~ I felt bad. I felt that way because I am the person ~ the walking horror story for pregnant women who know me and my "story". No, it's not contagious, so please don't feel that you need to keep your distance.

Guilt ~ yes, there's another way to describe the way that I felt. I actually felt guilty because I plan to be around and supportive. Guilty because I feel that people wonder how my past will affect said person.

And while I'm on a rant, why, oh why, do people continue to ask said person how I am doing? Yes, I get why they are asking, but do they feel that I have ulterior motives? Do they not think that I have a voice of my own and if I didn't feel okay with it, that I wouldn't speak up? And besides all that, why or what should it matter how I do feel anyways?

I'll say it again ~ I walk around on a daily basis feeling 100% completely uncomfortable in my own skin, why should I be even more uncomfortable because you can't handle what I have been through?

1 comment:

Brianne Hudgins Photography said...

Gotta love those oh-so-supportive family members. The one place you should be safe and comfortable, right?

You want to knock them in the head with a skillet? I'll hold them in place and you swing away!