Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I don't know how this managed to slip my mind, but it did. For the past 4 months (or so), I haven't been on any type of birth control and, well, ;let's just say that my hubby and I had a spur of the moment.....uh, moment. Dumb, yes, I know and even dumber was not using any type of protection. More dumber is not quite knowing if it was close to "O" time.

I'll take a moment and let you gasp.

Ok, so back to what I was saying. It has been exactly 16 days since the "moment" and I know for a fact that I was roughly 2 weeks into my cycle at the time.

I'll let you gasp again if you feel you need it.

So, ya...... 16 days and still nothing. NOTHING.

**STUPID, STUPID, STUPID** There are a few symptoms showing that it can go either way, but for an hour or so tonight, I felt crampy and I'm gonna go with it. Sound good to you? The scary part in all of this stupidity is that I think I will be slightly disappointed if a certain something shows.

Like I said, stupid, stupid, s-t-u-p-i-d.

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